Friday, May 7, 2010

London Calling

The flight from Bordeaux to London went without much note, as flights tend to do.  One moment you are here, the next you are there.  We are in Theydon Bois, in semi-rural Essex.  The trees in the street sag with bountiful spring blossoms and rabbits bounce around on the nearby fields.

It is Election Day, and for once the contest is more than just a two horse race between Labour and the Tories.  The ‘Lib Dems’ are putting up a good show and everybody is watching eagerly to see what the result will be.  Well, not everybody.  We have been enjoying some of the other attractions, the Tate Britain gallery (not to be confused with the Tate Modern), a good old pub lunch, the 'Grand Designs Live' show (which happens to be on at the moment, honest, it’s a pure coincidence!)  Our hosts have been unreasonably nice and Shirls has been enjoying lots of catch-up time with her best mate. It will be very hard to leave, despite the nippy spring weather.

1 comment:

  1. Well that went fast. But at least you have enjoyed an English pub. I hear you are on the downward journey. Do enjoy you time with your family Shirls.
    Will look forward to catching up in real time soon. But I will still look for the blog - I expect updates even though you are back into familiar territory.S:)
